Monday, June 25, 2018

This should be fun

So I went to 5 below and I bought this book
Im distracted watching James Charles So I apologize.
Its 300 writing prompts soooooooo I have decided to base a part of my blog post everyday on a question or two from the book along with my daily rants.
To start off I flipped to a random paged and got this prompt:
Why do you think some people are successful in life and others are not?
My first thought was how do we even define success. To some a successful is being happy, being rich, or even just being alive. The real definition:
noun: success; plural noun: successes
  1. the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

    "the president had some success in restoring confidence"
    synonyms:favorable outcome, successfulness, successful result, triumph;
    Hollywood ending
    "the success of the scheme"
    • the attainment of popularity or profit.

      "the success of his play"
      "the trappings of success"
    • a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.

      "I must make a success of my business"
    • archaic
      the outcome of an undertaking, specified as achieving or failing to achieve its aims.

      "the good or ill success of their maritime enterprises"
    • So success in one's life is if they accomplished their goals. We as an outsider to someones life don't have to right to deem one's life as successful or not, because their life goal could have been to have a family, it could even be to become a world renowned druggie. If they are content and pleased with what they have done with their life they are by definition successful, and I for one agree completely with that.
  2. TTFN (Ta ta for now)

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