Friday, July 13, 2018

Ukulele tips

Its 1230 am and im in the living room watching the office.
Im bored
and alone

Duuuuudeee twenty one pilots new song nico and the niners is so good please listen to it.
Nico and the Niners

So im gonna talk about the ukulele. This should be on my music blog but whatever.

To learn the ukulele you need to know a couple main things

  • the four basic chords
  • your fingers' assigned numbers
  • the strings assigned numbers
  • how to strum
  • the basic build to a uke

The main chords you need to know are
C major 
maybe i should start with strings and frets....

OKKKAAAYYY... forgive me its 12 am
The ukulele has 4 strings
The basic tuning for a soprano ukulele is GCEA
Image result for labeled soprano ukulele
When talking about a certain string of the ukulele we count the strings starting with the one farthest away from you. So string one is the string farthest away from you which is tuned to A. The second string- E The third string-C The fourth string-G.
The next main thing is the fret board. 
A basic soprano ukulele can have about 12-17 frets. Each fret is separated by a little line
Image result for how many frets are on a basic soprano ukulele
On the fret board you can find little white dots. These dots can help you find which fret you need faster. My ukulele has a dot on the 5th, 7th, 10th,12th, and 15th fret. This is so when you are doing a finger style plucking on the ukulele you can transition faster.

Your fingers are also numbered to help you form chords. 
Image result for finger numbers for ukulele 
Now we can move on to chords. 
The major chords you will need to know are C, F, Am, and G. These are chords that can be found in a majority of songs.
 The C major chord is one of the easiest chords. This chord is made by placing your third finger on the first string, third fret. It will look like this

The next major chord is F major. This can be played by putting your first finger on the second string first fret and your second finger on the fourth string, second fret.
A minor is very simple if you can do F. Simply just lift up your first finger. There you have Aminor. Your second finger on the fourth string, second fret.
Last but not least. G major. This will be the toughly of the four. Your first finger will be on the third string, second fret, your second finger on the first string second fret, and your third finger, on the second string, third fret. 

Well I hoped that helped. I will now attempt to explain how to strum a ukulele. This may sound stupid but strumming was the hardest thing for me. When you strum down you use the nail bed of your fingers. With your fingers slightly together, slightly bent, and keep it loose. Man youre playing the ukulele. Relax. When strumming up use the fleshy part of your fingers.
Here is a link to help you. How to strum a ukulele

With these chords you can play some of my favorites
  • House of Gold
  • I dont know my name
  • Riptide
  • Im Yours
  • counting stars
  • Stay with me
All I can say is keep practicing. You will get it in no time.

Imma put some links to the ukuleles I absolutely adore.

Kala is a good brand
I love Cordoba their ukuleles are amazing!!!
My uke is good but could be better quality however I love it with all my heart.

I will also leave some of my favorite ukulele playing youtubers with tutorials

Okayy sleep now


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