Saturday, July 21, 2018

Self care with depression

Depression is exhausting. It can take everything you have just to get up in the morning.This can leave no energy to shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, put clean clothes on, and eat. Trust me I know. Some days I cant even comb my hair. Like today,I am laying in bed writing this hopefully to motivate me to shower because I still have my makeup on from yesterday.

I did some 'research' and here is what I have found. Now I know that these might be to much for you on very low days, but if you can do it, try.

If you have not eaten, have some fruit or nuts. Light but helpful
Have some water with lemon. It will wake you up

You probably havent showered in four days, if you want to wake up take a cold shower, if you want a relaxation a hot shower. However, make sure its not to hot. Dont burn yourself.

Put on something clean. An over-sized sweater will work if you want comfort.

Drink some tea. Did you know holding a mug of tea or coffee with its warmth can stimulate human touch which can help calm you? My mom made fun of me when I told her that.

Brush you teeth and hair. If anything have a stick of gum, comb your fingers through your hair.

Go outside. Sit on your drive way. Take in the sun. I suggest taking off your over-sized wearing short sleeves. Let the sun warm your skin. 

Sit in the family room. Listen to life. I am doing this currently and it feels a lot better than being in my room thats covered in dishes.

Tidy up your room. A cluttered space is a cluttered mind. 

Start with making your bed

Take out and wash the dishes
Do laundry

This is the best I have. It helps me when I try to pamper myself. I put on a face mask, wash my hair, sometimes if I have time I take a bath with bathsalts, lavender bubbles, candles, put my makeup on, and I dress nicely. It also helps if I make my own breakfast. Like I said, there will be days you cant do any of these. Yesterday was one of those days. Where you wake up and know the depression has taken over. Maybe you will be lucky enough that your family doesnt drag you outside to run errands while you are on the verge of an anxiety attack cause you know you just arent up to going.

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