Saturday, August 4, 2018

Enjoy this awful cover of Im Yours


My first ever youtube video, is this disgrace... smh

Friday, August 3, 2018


After I cleaned my room today, my grandma gave me a small bag of stuff that she got me the day before. Inside was string lights, socks, razors, and concealer. Now the socks ( I got two pairs) were yellow and black. I love the color yellow. These are my new favorite socks.So I hung up my lights, put on my over sized yellow sweatshirt that I absolutely adore, put on my yellow socks, pulled up Dodie Clark on YouTube and felt the aesthetics flow throughout my body.

I never really had a favorite color till a little while ago. I knew that I did not like pink. I also thought that orange, yellow, green, and brown made for very bad favorite colors. I used to say I hate the color green, but I dont; I hate the idea of green, its such an icky color in my head. In the real world green is the color of life, the color of the pageant dress I wore in 6th and 8th grade that looked so good against my skin, green is beautiful. However, I never really had a favorite color.

I always said my favorite color was black, I was so emo. My mom would always say it was cause it was the only color I would wear... I just didnt want to stand out I guess. I started to like the color yellow when I began to thrive to be aesthetic. I loved yellow based eye-shadow looks, I loved seeing sunflower, dandelions, lemons, outfits, everything yellow be so pleasing.

I also began to realize how happy yellow made me.

The song Truce by Twenty One Pilots saved me many times. It became an anthem for me to cry out in times of pain. The first lines in the song are: "Now the night is coming to an end. The sun will rise and we will try again.". I always loved sun rises. The beauty of the sky has always captivated me, and this line of the song hit me hard. Because we have new chances every day to start over to try again, to be a better person. This song was presented by this symbol:
Half a sun coming up. Now, I have a scar on my wrist, from cutting,it is a single straight line. I would draw a line over it along with half a sun coming out of the line with rays. Under the line I would write Stay Alive |-/. This was my motto. Well, Twenty One Pilots' motto.

And it worked.

This all connects I promise and It is one thirty in the morning and I feel so lost and so empty I just cant with myself I will hurry and finish this post.

Yellow is not only a beautiful and vibrant color, it also is the color of the sun. The same sun the is oh so basic but creates such beauty. The sun that will rise over and over again so you have a new start, a fresh beginning. Don't you agree Yellow is such a lovely color.


Enjoy this awful cover of Im Yours

THIS IS SOOOOO BAD BUT IDC I WAS RUSHED AND JUST WOKE UP  Me singing in a bathtub My first ever youtube video, is this disgrace... sm...

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